Yes! YEAH! Great! THIS IS AWESOME! YEAH! *punches window*
*glass shatters*
Errr... >.> Bad idea...
If you want to know why I'm so excited (YEAH!) you should check out this month's Newsletter.
Related Link(s)
March 2010 NewsletterYeah, read through that... Now I can see that grin on your face ;P
| | | | The winds of spring are blowing across Wizard City, and with them come the fresh spirit of competition. Inspired by Earth’s finest athletes at their winter games, Wizards from every school and many worlds of the Spiral are ready to set forth on grand new adventures with their loyal pets alongside them, with exciting new activities and fresh challenges soon to come.  When asked what’s in store for pet-owners, Merle Ambrose, headmaster of Ravenwood School of Magical Arts, replied: “This spring, pets will be able to do more than you have ever dared hope! These fine creatures will serve alongside you in wonderful new ways, taking you to unseen parts of familiar worlds, and in time to come, worlds beyond those you know! If you think you have seen all that the Spiral has to offer, young Wizard, you will soon discover an all new breed of entertainment!” When asked to elaborate, Ambrose replied cryptically, “The answer you seek may be in the stars... or it just might be there alongside you.” |
CELESTIA! WHOOPEEE! This is actually really factual. We now know that...
1. Wizard City is awesome (though that was already obvious)
2. Krokotopia is less awesome than Wizard City (:P)
3. Piggles have grown chubbier in the last decade
4. Ninja Pigs will sneak up on Manders and massacre them
All jokes aside, these are the facts :P
1. Celestia will be underwater themed (or it will have floating crabs O.o)
2. There will be a new release with pets.
Hmm. Wonder what Merle's last sentence was about.
“The answer you seek may be in the stars... or it just might be there alongside you.”
Alongside you? Maybe something to do with the new quests? Maybe they're release a new star pet! lolz. It would be funny to have a star boinging alongside me :P
Oh, doh. I completely forgot to tell those who don't know about Celestia that about Celestia XD
Celestia is the topic of many threads over at
Wizard101 Central. Celestia is the rumored "New World" because it has been hinted at in two quests.
One is by Shelus Gruffheart in Firecat Alley. He wants you to reclaim a Celestian artifact as one of his quests.
And then Mr. Rowley in Hyde Park wants you to get back his Celestian wristwatch.
These are hints that there is a world called Celestia.
People have gone to think that "Celestia" has something to do with the word "celestial" which is related to the sky or air.
And it looks like it might just be underwater :P(Unless there are flying crabs but that would be creepy O. O)
Hmm... So what do you think of this?
~Happy Wizarding